Enable Dead/Recovering host notification
Notification Single Email
Supported for Notification Lists and the Notification Queue only. If there are Down Device Notifications in a single processing cycle. Send only one Email to Notification List repipients for all Devices.
Device Notification Delay Options
Notification Delay
If a large influx of Down Device Notifications come in, Cacti can pause sending out those Notifications for a certain period of time to see if the issue is transient before sending them out. Select the threshold Down Device Notifications before the Pause is Triggered.
If you choose to delay Notifications for a large Down Devices Notification inrush, how long are you willing to wait before allowing the notifications to be processed?
Device Notification Email Options
Global Notification Email
This is the Email Address that the Dead Device Notifications will be sent to if the Global Notification List is selected.
Down Subject
This is the Email subject that will be used for Down Device Messages.
Down Message
This is the message that will be displayed as the message body of all UP / Down Device Messages (1024 Char MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060UPTIME&#062 &#060UPTIMETEXT&#062 &#060DOWNTIME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060MESSAGE&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060DOWN/UP&#062 &#060SNMP_HOSTNAME&#062 &#060SNMP_LOCATION&#062 &#060SNMP_CONTACT&#062 &#060SNMP_SYSTEM&#062 &#060LAST_FAIL&#062 &#060AVAILABILITY&#062 &#060TOT_POLL&#062 &#060FAIL_POLL&#062 &#060CUR_TIME&#062 &#060AVG_TIME&#062 &#060NOTES&#062
System Error : <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is <DOWN/UP><br><br>Site: <SITE><br>Location: <LOCATION><br>Reason: <MESSAGE><br>Average system response: <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Device Previously UP for: <DOWNTIME><br>NOTES: <NOTES><br>Device NOTES: <DNOTES>
Recovering Subject
This is the Email subject that will be used for Recovering Device Messages.
Device Notice: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) returned from DOWN state
Recovering Message