Replacement Fields: %s
Data Sources: %s
Enabled at Template Level
A Threshold must be enabled both at the Template Level and the Threshold level to be checked.
Provide the Thresholds a meaningful name
The Graph End time will be set at the time of triggering. The Graph Start time will be the End Time minus the Graph Timespan.
Skip Scaling on HRULEs
If Checked, the Scale on the Graph will not be impacted by either the Alert or Warning HRULEs.
There are three Acknowledgment levels that control how you must respond to a Threshold breach condition. They are:<br><br><ul><li><i>None Required</i> - When you select this option, no Acknowledgment is required for a Threshold breach.</li><li><i>Suspendible Notification</i> - With this option, once you Acknowledge or Suspend Notifications on the Threshold, you will no longer receive notifications while it is breached. You may subsequently, Resume Notifications while its breached.</li><li><i>Persistent Acknowledgment</i> - With this option, even after the Threshold has returned to normal, you must Acknowledge the Threshold and provide an optional Operator Message.</li></ul>
Numeric values for High and Low Thresholds can include the following suffixes for numbers greater than 1 to 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y', and for numbers less than 1 'm', 'u', 'p', 'f'.
The type of Baseline. [TIP] is the Time in Past, [AOT] is the Average over Time. Percentage Deviation is a percentage value from the historical value. Absolute Value is a deviation either above or below the Baseline over that historical value. For the [TIP] Baseline Types, the MIN, MAX, AVG, and LAST will come from no more than a one day time period at that point in time.
Consolidation Function
The Consolidation function to use for the Baseline Type value calculation.
Specifies the point in the past (based on rrd resolution) that will be used as a reference or the duration to use for the Floating Average when using the Floating Average type Threshold
Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, the upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%%% Deviation' and '%%% Floating Average'
Specifies allowed deviation for the upper bound Threshold. If not set, the upper bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%% Deviation' and '%% Floating Average'
Specifies allowed deviation for the lower bound Threshold. If not set, the lower bound Threshold will not be checked at all. The unit of measure is an absolute values for 'Absolute Value' Type, and a Percentable for both '%%% Deviation' and '%%% Floating Average'