English Polish
WARNING: A Syslog Instance Count Alert has Been Triggered for Host '%s' OSTRZEŻENIE: Wyzwolono alarm Syslog Plugin Instance Count Alert
Threshold: Próg
There were %s Device records removed from the Syslog database Usunięto % rekordów urządzeń z bazy danych Syslog
Syslog Utilities Syslog Utilities
Syslog Message Match String Syslog Message Match String
Syslog Enabled Syslog Enabled
Severity: Istotność
Rule '%s' resulted in %s/%s messages removed/transferred Usunięto % komunikatów, a % przekazano komunikaty
Removal Rule Edit [new] Usuń edycję reguły [nowa].
Remote Message Processing String komunikatów:
Hostname is Nazwa hosta:
Export Syslog Alert Rule(s) Reguła(-y) alertu Syslog Export (Export Syslog Alert Rule(s)
Error++ Błąd:
Comma delimited list of Email addresses to send the report to. Comma delimited list of Email addresses to send the report to.
Cacti Syslog Threshold Alert '%s' and Host '%s' Cacti Syslog Plugin Threshold Alert "%s
A comma delimited list of domains that you wish to remove from the syslog hostname, Examples would be 'mydomain.com, otherdomain.com' Przecinek delimitowany lista domen, które chcesz usunąć z syslog hostname, przykłady to 'mydomain.com, otherdomain.com'.
[ Unprocessed Messages: %s ] Komunikaty nieprzetworzone: %s ].