English Chinese (Traditional)
Failed starting the upload. For FTP, the server typically denied the STOR command. The error buffer usually contains the server's explanation for this. 無法啟動上傳。對於 FTP,伺服器通常拒絕 STOR 命令。錯誤緩衝區通常包含伺服器對此的解釋。
There was a problem reading a local file or an error returned by the read callback. 讀取本地檔時出現問題或讀取回調返回錯誤。
A memory allocation request failed. This is serious badness and things are severely screwed up if this ever occurs. 記憶體分配請求失敗。這是嚴重的壞事,如果發生這種情況,事情就會嚴重搞砸。
Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions. 操作超時。根據條件達到了指定的超時期限。
The FTP PORT command returned error. This mostly happens when you have not specified a good enough address for libcurl to use. See CURLOPT_FTPPORT. FTP PORT 命令返回錯誤。這主要發生在您沒有指定足夠好的位址供 libcurl 使用時。請參見CURLOPT_FTPPORT。
The FTP REST command returned error. This should never happen if the server is sane. FTP REST 命令返回錯誤。如果伺服器是正常的,則永遠不會發生這種情況。
The server does not support or accept range requests. 伺服器不支援或接受範圍請求。
This is an odd error that mainly occurs due to internal confusion. 這是一個奇怪的錯誤,主要是由於內部混亂而發生的。
A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake. You really want the error buffer and read the message there as it pinpoints the problem slightly more. Could be certificates (file formats, paths, permissions), passwords, and others. SSL/TLS 握手中的某個位置出現問題。你真的想要錯誤緩衝區並閱讀那裡的消息,因為它可以稍微精確地指出問題。可以是證書(檔案格式、路徑、許可權)、密碼等。
The download could not be resumed because the specified offset was out of the file boundary. 無法恢復下載,因為指定的偏移量超出了文件邊界。
A file given with FILE:// could not be opened. Most likely because the file path does not identify an existing file. Did you check file permissions? 無法打開帶有 FILE:// 的檔。很可能是因為文件路徑未標識現有檔。您是否檢查過檔案許可權?
LDAP cannot bind. LDAP bind operation failed. LDAP 無法綁定。LDAP 綁定操作失敗。
LDAP search failed. 搜尋
Function not found. A required zlib function was not found. 未找到函數。未找到必需的 zlib 函數。
Aborted by callback. A callback returned "abort" to libcurl. 因回調而中止。回調將“abort”返回給 libcurl。
A function was called with a bad parameter. 調用的函數參數不正確。
Interface error. A specified outgoing interface could not be used. Set which interface to use for outgoing connections' source IP address with URLOPT_INTERFACE. 介面錯誤。無法使用指定的傳出介面。使用 URLOPT_INTERFACE 設定要用於傳出連接源 IP 位址的介面。
Too many redirects. When following redirects, libcurl hit the maximum amount. Set your limit with CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS. 重定向過多。當遵循重定向時,libcurl 會達到最大數量。用CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS設置您的限制。
An option passed to libcurl is not recognized/known. Refer to the appropriate documentation. This is most likely a problem in the program that uses libcurl. The error buffer might contain more specific information about which exact option it concerns. 傳遞給 libcurl 的選項無法識別/已知。請參閱相應的文件。這很可能是使用 libcurl 的程序中的問題。錯誤緩衝區可能包含有關它所涉及的確切選項的更具體資訊。
An option passed in to a setopt was wrongly formatted. See error message for details about what option. 傳遞給 setopt 的選項格式錯誤。有關哪個選項的詳細資訊,請參閱錯誤消息。