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A Useful Name for this CA chain. 此代理的有用名称。
A Useful Name for this Proxy. 此代理的有用名称。
New Proxy 新代理
The Proxy Hostname. 代理主机名。
The HTTP Proxy Port. HTTP代理端口。
The HTTPS Proxy Port. HTTPS代理端口。
The user to use to authenticate with the Proxy if any. 用于通过代理进行身份验证的用户(如果有)。
The user password to use to authenticate with the Proxy if any. 用于通过代理进行身份验证的用户密码(如果有)。
Uncheck this box to disabled this test from being checked. 取消选中此框可禁用此网址进行检查。
Type of service 服务类型
IP Address or DNS name of server IP地址连接到此服务器
LDAP Search 搜索
If this connection text requires a proxy, select it here. Otherwise choose 'None'. 如果此连接文本需要代理,请在此处选择它。否则,选择“无”。
Check and notify Certificate expiration 检查证书
If using SSL, check this box if you want to check the certificate expiration. You will be warn when last 10 days left. 如果使用SSL,如果要验证证书,请选中此框。 如果您的网站使用自签名证书,则默认开启。
How many poller cycles must be down before it will send an alert. After an alert is sent, in order for a 'Site Recovering' Email to be send, it must also be up this number of poller cycles. 在发送警报之前,URL必须关闭多少分钟。 发送提醒后,为了发送“网站恢复”电子邮件,它也必须达到此分钟数。
Verification Strings 验证字符串
This is the string to search for in the response for a live and working service. 这是要在实时和正常运行的Web Service的URL响应中搜索的字符串。
Response Search String - Maintenance 响应搜索字符串 - 维护页面