English Chinese (Simplified)
Nothing was returned from the server, and under the circumstances, getting nothing is considered an error. 服务器未返回任何内容,在这种情况下,未返回任何内容将被视为错误。
The specified crypto engine was not found. 未找到指定的加密引擎。
Failed setting the selected SSL crypto engine as default. 将选定的 SSL 加密引擎设置为默认值失败。
Failed sending network data. 发送网络数据失败。
Failure with receiving network data. 接收网络数据失败。
problem with the local client certificate. 本地客户端证书问题。
Could not use specified cipher. 无法使用指定的密码。
The remote server's SSL certificate or SSH fingerprint was deemed not OK. This error code has been unified with CURLE_SSL_CACERT since 7.62.0. Its previous value was 51. 远程服务器的 SSL 证书或 SSH 指纹被视为不正常。自 7.62.0 起,此错误代码已与 CURLE_SSL_CACERT 统一。其以前的值为 51。
Unrecognized transfer encoding. 无法识别的传输编码。
Maximum file size exceeded. 超出最大文件大小。
Requested FTP SSL level failed. 请求的 FTP SSL 级别失败。
When doing a send operation curl had to rewind the data to retransmit, but the rewinding operation failed. 执行发送操作时,curl 必须倒带数据才能重新传输,但回退操作失败。
Initiating the SSL Engine failed. 启动 SSL 引擎失败。
The remote server denied curl to login (Added in 7.13.1) 远程服务器拒绝 curl 登录(7.13.1 中添加)
File not found on TFTP server. 在TFTP服务器上找不到文件。
Permission problem on TFTP server. TFTP 服务器上的权限问题。
Out of disk space on the server. 服务器上的磁盘空间不足。
Illegal TFTP operation. 非法TFTP操作。
Unknown TFTP transfer ID. 未知的 TFTP 传输 ID。
File already exists and is not overwritten. 文件已存在且未被覆盖。