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When using SCP, leaving this blank will use PHP's SCP module which does not always work 使用SCP時,將此空白留空將使用PHP的SCP模塊,該模塊並不總是有效
Must be an IP pointing to your Cacti server. 必須是指向您的Cacti服務器的IP。
TFTP Backup Directory Path 備份目錄路徑
The path to where your Configs will be backed up, it must be the path that the local TFTP Server writes to. 將備份Configs的路徑,它必須是本地TFTP服務器寫入的路徑。
Archive Directory Path 備份目錄路徑
The path to where your Configs will be archived (moved from TFTP directory) 將備份Configs的路徑,它必須是本地TFTP服務器寫入的路徑。
Email Options 電子郵件選項
From Address 寄件者電子郵件地址
Email address the nightly backup will be sent from. 每晚備份的電子郵件地址將從中發送。
From Name 寄件者名稱
Name the nightly backup will be sent from. 每晚備份的電子郵件地址將從中發送。
Email Address 電子郵件地址
A comma delimited list of Email addresses to send the nightly backup Email to. 用逗號分隔的電子郵件地址列表,用於將夜間備份電子郵件發送到。
Devices 設備
Device Types 設備類型
Authentication 認證
Backups 備份
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