English Chinese (Traditional)
Schedule 排程
How often to Backup this device. 備份此設備的頻率。
Device Type 設備類型
Choose the type of device that the router is. 選擇路由器所屬的設備類型。
Auto-Detect 自動検出
Connection Type 連接類型
This is the type of connection used to communicate with the device. 這是用於與設備通信的IP地址。
Authentication Account 驗證帳戶
Choose an account to use to Login to the router 選擇用於登錄路由器的帳戶
Default timeout 默認超時
Default time to wait in seconds for a response 等待恢復的默認時間(以秒為單位)
Default sleep time 默認睡眠時間
Default time to sleep in microseconds (1/1,000,000th of a second) 默認睡眠時間(以毫秒為單位)(1 / 1,000,000秒)
Assume elevated 假設升高
Check this box to assume this device is always elevated 取消選中此框可禁用此設備的備份。
Name of this device type. 此設備類型的名稱。
Username Prompt 用戶名提示
This is the username prompt to match on login. 這是登錄時匹配的用戶名提示。
Password Prompt 密碼提示