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Close without exit 关闭不退出
If ticked, when closing down the device connection, no 'exit' command is issued 如果选中,则在关闭设备连接时不会发出“退出”命令
Debug Connection Buffer 调试连接缓冲区
Whether to log direct output of device connection 是否记录设备连接的直接输出
Assume all devices elevated 假设所有设备提升
Whether to assume all devices are elevated 是否假定所有设备都升高
Download Hour 下载时间
The hour of the day to perform the full downloads. 一天中的小时执行完整下载。
Retry Schedule 时间表
The time to wait before attempting to perform an additional download when scheduled download fails 计划的下载失败时尝试执行其他下载之前的等待时间
Retention Period 保留期
The number of days to retain old backups. 保留旧备份的天数。
Transfer Options 传输设置
Default connection type 默认连接类型
Default type of connection used to communicate with the device. 这是用于与设备通信的IP地址。
Separate By Device 按设备分开
Separate archived Configs into a folder per device 将已归档的配置分别分配到每个设备的文件夹中
SCP Path SCP路径