The translation has come to an end.
English Chinese (Simplified)
19:00 (7pm) 19:00(7pm)
20:00 (8pm) 20:00(8pm)
21:00 (9pm) 21:00(9pm)
22:00 (10pm) 22:00(10pm)
23:00 (11pm) 23:00(11pm)
This is the type of connection used to communicate with the device. 这是用于与设备通信的IP地址。
Default timeout 默认超时
Default time to wait in seconds for a response 等待恢复的默认时间(以秒为单位)
Default sleep time 默认睡眠时间
Default time to sleep in microseconds (1/1,000,000th of a second) 默认睡眠时间(以毫秒为单位)(1 / 1,000,000秒)
Assume elevated 假设升高
Check this box to assume this device is always elevated 取消选中此框可禁用此设备的备份。
This is the standard location of the configuration file on the remote device. 这是远程设备上配置文件的标准位置。
Confirmation Prompt 配置备份
This is the confirmation prompt to match before transmission. 这是在登录时匹配的用户名提示。
Any Key prompt 任何按键提示
Text to match a 'Press Any Key To Continue' styled prompt 文字与“按任意键继续”样式提示匹配
Presentation Mode 保留期
Close without exit 关闭不退出
If ticked, when closing down the device connection, no 'exit' command is issued 如果选中,则在关闭设备连接时不会发出“退出”命令