English Chinese (Traditional)
Allow commands to be written to the Nagios command file. 允許將命令寫入Nagios命令文件。
An error occurred in %s. See error logs for detail. %s中發生錯誤。有關詳細信息,請參見錯誤日誌。
Command Execution 命令執行
DEBUG - Log everything 調試-記錄所有內容
Enable displaying host icons in the hosts grid. The icon_image and icon_image_alt parameters of the Nagios host definition are used to set the image. Icons should be 16x16 to get the best look. this setting does not affect the host status icons. 啟用在主機網格中顯示主機圖標。 Nagios主機定義的icon_image和icon_image_alt參數用於設置圖像。圖標應為16x16,以獲得最佳外觀。此設置不會影響主機狀態圖標。
Enable displaying service icons in the services grid. The icon_image and icon_image_alt parameters of the Nagios service definition are used to set the image. Icons should be 16x16 to get the best look. This setting does not affect the service status icons. 啟用在服務網格中顯示服務圖標。 Nagios服務定義的icon_image和icon_image_alt參數用於設置圖像。圖標應為16x16,以獲得最佳外觀。此設置不會影響服務狀態圖標。
ERROR - Log errors only 錯誤-僅記錄錯誤
FATAL: Unable to make NPC Connection 嚴重:無法建立NPC連接
Host Check Execution Time 主機檢查執行時間
Host Check Latency 主機檢查延遲
Host Icons 主機圖標
Host/Service Config Type 主機/服務配置類型
INFO - Log errors, warnings, and info messages INFO-記錄錯誤,警告和信息消息
Nagios Command File Path Nagios命令文件路徑
Nagios Host Mapping Nagios主機映射
Nagios URL Nagios網址
NPC 人大
Portlet Refresh Rate Portlet刷新率
Remote Commands 遠程命令
Remote Commands must be enabled under console->Settings->NPC 必須在console-> Settings-> NPC下啟用遠程命令