English Chinese (Traditional)
Alarm Device without a Tree 多個樹中的設備:%s
Alarm Device with Default public/private SNMP Community 擁有默認公共/私人社區的主機:%s
Alarm Device without Monitoring 具有相同IP和端口的設備:%s
Alarm Device without Graph 具有相同IP和端口的設備:%s
Alarm Red/Yellow Polling Time 允許面板排名前五的最差輪詢時間
10s / 20s Yellow / Red 40s/20s 紅/黃
20s / 40s Yellow / Red 20s/10s 紅/黃
Alarm Red/Yellow Failed/All Ratio 報警紅/黃故障/全比
0.1 / 0.2 Yellow / Red 0.1/0.2 紅/黃
Alarm Red/Yellow Ping 報警紅/黃ping
100ms / 200+ms Yellow / Red 100/200+ms 紅/黃
Alarm Red/Yellow Worst Availability Top5最差的可用性
Host alerts 主機名稱
Waiting for data 等待數據
You don't have permissions to any hosts 你沒有權限
Analysis Panels 啟用/禁用面板
Panels that analyze the current behavior of Cacti and it's plugins. 分析 Cacti 及其插件當前行為的面板。
Analyze Logins 允許面板Analayse登錄
Analyze the last several Cacti logins for trends and errors. 分析最近幾次 Cacti 登錄的趨勢和錯誤。
Analyze Logs 分析仙人掌日誌