English Chinese (Simplified)
Yellow Status 黄色警报
Green Status 状态
Important things will be at the top 重要的事情将在顶部
If checked Intropage displays important (errors, warnings) information first 如果选中Intropage,则首先显示重要(错误,警告)信息
Display more panels on a line 显示错误和警告
Automatically Uninstall Panels 自动卸载面板
If a Panel is installed and required plugin is removed, automatically uninstall the panel too 如果安装了面板并删除了所需的插件,也会自动卸载面板
How often 多久发送一次这个NetFlow报告?
Number of panel lines 检查次数:
Trend Timespan 趋势
Analyze Log - number of lines 分析日志 - 行数
How many lines of log will be analysed. Lines = in panel, 2x lines = in detail. Big number may causes slow page load 将分析多少行日志。大数字可能导致页面加载缓慢
How often analyze DB 经常分析DB
Poller runs this task. It could cause long poller run. Poller执行此任务。它可能导致长轮询运行。
Analyze DB - Level of db check 分析数据库 - 数据库检查的级别
Quick - No Check rows for incorrect links<br/>Fast - check only not properly closed tables<br/>Changed - check tables changed from last check<br/>Medium - with rows scan<br/>Extended - full rows and keys<br/>Medium and extended may cause a slow page load! 快速 - 否检查inforccert链接的行<br/>快速 - 仅检查未正确关闭的表格<br/>已更改 - 检查上次检查后更改的表格<br/>中 - 带行扫描<br/>扩展 - 完整的行和键<br/> <strong>中等和扩展可能导致页面加载缓慢!</strong>
NTP Time Check - IP or DNS name of NTP server NTP(时间)检查 - NTP服务器的IP或DNS名称
Insert IP or DNS name of NTP server 插入NTP服务器的IP或DNS名称
How often check NTP 经常检查NTP
Insert DNS name for test 插入NTP服务器的IP或DNS名称