English Chinese (Simplified)
Dashboard has been added, please wait few poller cycle for data 已添加仪表板,请等待几个轮询周期以获取数据
Error - trying share non-shared dashboard 错误 - 尝试共享非共享仪表板
The Panel includes a render function but it does not exist. 面板包含一个渲染功能,但它不存在。
The Panel does not have a render function. 面板没有渲染功能。
Not Found 未找到
Panel not found 未找到面板
Details Function does not exist. 详细信息 函数不存在。
Panel Not Found 未找到面板
[ Updates in %s ] [%s 中的更新]
%s Sec %s 秒
%s Seconds %s 秒
%s Min %s 分钟
%s Minutes %s 分钟
%s Hours %s 小时
%s Hrs %s 小时
%s Days %s 天
No Data Present. Either Force Update, or wait for next Cacti Polling cycle. 没有数据存在。要么强制更新,要么等待下一个 Cacti 轮询周期。
No Data Present. This Panel does not allow for Forced Updates. You will have to wait until the Cacti's Poller to perform the check. 没有数据存在。此面板不允许强制更新。您必须等到 Cacti's Poller 执行检查。
Disable panel 禁用面板
Reload Panel 重新加载面板