English Chinese (Simplified)
Disable panel 禁用面板
Reload Panel 重新加载面板
Loading data ... 加载数据中 ...
No Data Found. Either wait for next check, <br/>or use the Force Reload if available. 没有找到数据。要么等待下一次检查,<br/>或使用强制重新加载(如果可用)。
Panels ... 面板...
%s (no permission) 您没有权限
Cannot add to Dashboard. Custom timespan. 无法添加到仪表板。自定义时间跨度。
Remove from Dashboard 从仪表板中删除
Dashboard Names 仪表板名称
Dashboard %s 添加到仪表盘
User Level Panel Update Frequencies 用户级面板
Trend Update Frequencies 更新频率:%s
Intropage 内向板
[edit: %s] [编辑: %s]
System Level Panels 系统级面板
Panels that are appropriate for administrative or power users to access and not typically applicable for general users. Panels are generally about overall system utilization. 适合管理员或高级用户访问但通常不适用于一般用户的面板。面板通常与整体系统利用率有关。
User Level Panels 用户级面板
Panels that are appropriate for general users to access. Permissions are limited to what the current user can view. 适合一般用户访问的面板。权限仅限于当前用户可以查看的内容。
You can Allow/Disallow Panels for User 您可以允许/禁止用户面板
Red Status 状态