English Swedish
Thold logonly alert/warning - %s Thold varning/varning för inloggning - %s:
Devices with the same description - %s Enheter med samma beskrivning %s
Devices in more than one tree - %s Enheter i mer än ett träd %s
Devices without Graphs - %s Värdar utan diagram %s
Devices without tree - %s Värdar utan träd %s
Devices with default public/private community - %s Värdar med standard offentlig / privat gemenskap %s
Plugin Monitor - Unmonitored hosts - %s Plugin Monitor - Oövervakade värdar %s
Devices with the busiest CPU (Host MIB) Enheter med samma IP och port: %s
Devices with the highest Load (ucd/net) Enheter med samma beskrivning: %s
Devices with the highest uptime Top5 värsta polling tid
Devices with the highest in/out traffic (Interface) Top5 värsta polling tid
You don't have permissions to any hosts or there isn't any host with this template Du har inte behörighet
Waiting for data or you don't have permission for any device Du har inte behörighet
Graphical Panels Intropage paneler
Panels that provide information about Cacti and it's plugins in a Graphical way. Paneler som ger information om Cacti och dess plugins på ett grafiskt sätt.
Graph of Data Sources Tillåt panelen Graph Data Dource
Device Templates Enhetsmallar
Graph of Device Templates Enhetsmallar
Devices by Status Enhetsmallar
Graph of Devices by Status (up,down,...) Diagram över enheter efter status (upp, ner,...)