You can create own panels. More info in file <cacti_install_dir>/plugins/intropage/panellib/README.md
You can share dashboards to other users:
use "Share this dashboard" option in Actions menu - Every user can use it as template.
You can use shared dashboard using the Actions menu:
Use "Use shared dashboard (user/dashboard name) - It prepares the same dashboard like shared but with your permissions.
You can create up to 9 dashboards. Every dashboard can be named, use icon
Intopage can be displayed in console or in separated tab. You can change it in Action menu
If you want to copy text from panel, you have to disable drag and drop function, use icon
Panel Details
Disable panel move/Enable copy text from panel
Enable panel move/Disable copy text from panel
Show red/yellow/green square notifications
Error reading new data
Dashboard has been removed
New Dashboard
Dashboard has been added
Cannot add zoomed or custom timespaned graph, changing timespan to Last half hour
Intropage Panel Library Refreshed from Panel Library