English Chinese (Traditional)
There were %d Device Types Added! 有%d個設備類型已添加!
Provide key information to help HMIB detect the type of Host. SQL Where expressions are supported. SQL Where wildcard character is the '%' sign. Regular Expressions have been removed due to compatibility issues. 提供關鍵信息以幫助HMIB檢測主機類型。 SQL支持表達式的位置。 SQL其中通配符是'%'符號。由於兼容性問題,已刪除正則表達式。
Host MIB OS Types [edit: %s] 主機MIB操作系統類型[編輯:%s]
%d Types %d類型
%d Records %d記錄
%d Record %d記錄
%d Processes %d進程
%d Process %d過程