Please specify the location of the CSV file containing your device type information.
Process Summary Filter
Process Summary Statistics
Processor Frequency
Provide key information to help HMIB detect the type of Host. SQL Where expressions are supported. SQL Where wildcard character is the '%' sign. Regular Expressions have been removed due to compatibility issues.
Running Process History
Running Programs CPU/Memory Frequency
Running Programs Frequency
Scan for New or Unknown Device Types
Should the import process be allowed to overwrite existing data? Please note, this does not mean delete old row, only replace duplicate rows.
SNMP Sys Description Match
Software Inventory
Storage Description
Storage Frequency
Storage Inventory
Summary Filter
The Host Type is determined by scanning its snmp agent for the sysObjectID and sysDescription and comparing it against values in the Host Types database. The first match that is found in the database is used aggregate Host data. Therefore, it is very important that you select valid sysObjectID, sysDescrMatch for your Hosts.
The OS version for the Host Type