English Chinese (Traditional)
You have been logged out of Cacti due to %s. 由於會話超時,您已退出Cacti。
You have more tables than your PHP configuration will allow us to display/convert. Please modify the max_input_vars setting in php.ini to a value above %s 您的表數量超出了PHP配置所允許的顯示/轉換數量。請修改php.ini中的max_input_vars設置為%s以上的值
You must select an XML output column for Data Source '%s' and toggle the checkbox to its right 您必須為數據源'%s'選擇XML輸出列,並將復選框切換到右側
Your Cacti Server v%s has been installed/updated with errors 您的Cacti Server v%s已安裝/更新時出錯
Your Cacti Server v%s has been installed/updated. You may now start using the software. 您的Cacti Server v%s已安裝/更新。您現在可以開始使用該軟件。