English Chinese (Traditional)
Default SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol for all new Devices. 所有新設備的默認SNMPv3隱私協議。
Privacy Passphrase (v3) 隱私密碼(v3)。
Default SNMPv3 Privacy Passphrase for all new Devices. 所有新設備的默認SNMPv3隱私密碼。
Enter the SNMP v3 Context for all new Devices. 輸入所有新設備的SNMP v3上下文。
Default SNMP v3 Engine Id for all new Devices. Leave this field empty to use the SNMP Engine ID being defined per SNMPv3 Notification receiver. 所有新設備的默認SNMP v3引擎ID。將此字段留空以使用每個SNMPv3通知接收器定義的SNMP引擎ID。
Port Number 連接埠
Default UDP Port for all new Devices. Typically 161. 所有新設備的默認UDP端口。通常是161。
Default SNMP timeout in milli-seconds for all new Devices. 所有新設備的默認SNMP超時(以毫秒為單位)。
Default SNMP retries for all new Devices. 所有新設備的默認SNMP重試次數。
Availability/Reachability 可用性/可達性
Default Availability/Reachability for all new Devices. The method Cacti will use to determine if a Device is available for polling. <br><i>NOTE: It is recommended that, at a minimum, SNMP always be selected.</i> 所有新設備的默認可用性/可訪問性。 Cacti將使用該方法確定設備是否可用於輪詢。 <br> <i>注意:建議始終至少選擇SNMP。</i>
Ping Type Ping類型
Default Ping type for all new Devices.</i> 所有新設備的默認Ping類型。
Default Ping Port for all new Devices. With TCP, Cacti will attempt to Syn the port. With UDP, Cacti requires either a successful connection, or a 'port not reachable' error to determine if the Device is up or not. 所有新設備的默認Ping端口。使用TCP,Cacti將嘗試同步端口。使用UDP,Cacti要求成功連接或“端口無法訪問”錯誤,以確定設備是否已啟動。
Default Ping Timeout value in milli-seconds for all new Devices. The timeout values to use for Device SNMP, ICMP, UDP and TCP pinging. ICMP Pings will be rounded up to the nearest second. TCP and UDP connection timeouts on Windows are controlled by the operating system, and are therefore not recommended on Windows. 所有新設備的默認Ping超時值(以毫秒為單位)。用於設備SNMP,ICMP,UDP和TCP ping的超時值。 ICMP Pings將四捨五入到最接近的秒數。 Windows上的TCP和UDP連接超時由操作系統控制,因此不建議在Windows上使用。
The number of times Cacti will attempt to ping a Device before marking it as down. Cacti在將設備標記為關閉之前嘗試ping設備的次數。
Up/Down Settings 上/下設置
Failure Count 失敗計數
The number of polling intervals a Device must be down before logging an error and reporting Device as down. 在記錄錯誤並將設備報告為關閉之前,設備必須關閉的輪詢間隔數。
Recovery Count 恢復計數