English Chinese (Traditional)
At what frequency would you like to rotate your logs? 您希望以什麼頻率輪換日誌?
Log Retention 日誌保留
How many log files do you wish to retain? Use 0 to never remove any logs. (0-365) 您希望保留多少個日誌文件?使用0永遠不會刪除任何日誌。 (0-365)
Alternate Poller Path 替代輪詢路徑
Spine Binary File Location 脊椎二進製文件位置
The path to Spine binary. Spine二進制的路徑。
Spine Config File Path 脊椎配置文件路徑
The path to Spine configuration file. By default, in the cwd of Spine, or /etc if not specified. Spine配置文件的路徑。默認情況下,在Spine的cwd中,如果未指定,則為/ etc。
RRDfile Auto Clean RRDfile自動清理
Automatically archive or delete RRDfiles when their corresponding Data Sources are removed from Cacti 當從Cacti中刪除相應的數據源時,自動存檔或刪除RRD文件
RRDfile Auto Clean Method RRDfile自動清理方法
The method used to Clean RRDfiles from Cacti after their Data Sources are deleted. 刪除數據源後用於從Cacti清除RRDfiles的方法。
Archive 檔案
Archive directory 檔案目錄
This is the directory where RRDfiles are <strong>moved</strong> for archiving 這是<strong>移動</strong> RRD文件以進行存檔的目錄
Log Settings 日誌設置
Log Destination 記錄目的地
How will Cacti handle event logging. Cacti將如何處理事件記錄。
Generic Log Level 通用日誌級別
What level of detail do you want sent to the log file. WARNING: Leaving in any other status than NONE or LOW can exhaust your disk space rapidly. 您希望將哪些詳細信息發送到日誌文件。警告:處於NONE或LOW以外的任何其他狀態可能會迅速耗盡磁盤空間。