English Chinese (Traditional)
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s'. Field Name '%s' missing a 'direction' attribute 為 ID 為“%s”的數據查詢“%s”解析數據查詢資源 XML 文件時出錯
Data Query [%s] 數據查詢[%s]
Data Query Re-indexed. 數據查詢索引
Device Debugging Disabled for Device. 設備已禁用
ERROR: Invalid Device ID. 錯誤:設備[
Device Reindex Completed in %0.2f seconds. There were %d items updated. 設備重新索引在%0.2f秒內完成。有%d個項目已更新。
Unable to add some Devices to Report '%s' 無法連接到服務器
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Device on Tree %s. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備模板。
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Devices on Tree %s. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下樹。
Device [edit: %s] 設備[編輯:%s]
[%d Items, %d Rows] [%d項目,%d行]
The site associated to this Device 與本網站相關的城市。
Graph Template Name: %s 圖形模板名稱:%s
Data Query Name: %s 數據查詢名稱:%s
Device Templates [edit: %s] 設備模板[編輯:%s]
The Main Data Collector has returned to an Online Status 此數據收集器最後一次與主Cacti站點完全同步。
Unable to Add all Graphs. See error message for details. 無法添加所有圖表。有關詳細信息,請參見錯
Version %d 版本%d
SNMP getNext SNMP getNext
NONE - Syslog Only if Selected NONE - 僅在選中時才顯示Syslog