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Poller Cache Items [ Rebuild Timed out and Crashed ]
The Poller Cache will be re-generated if you select this option. Use this option only in the event of a database crash if you are experiencing issues after the crash and have already run the database repair tools. Alternatively, if you are having problems with a specific Device, simply re-save that Device to rebuild its Poller Cache. There is also a command line interface equivalent to this command that is recommended for large systems. 如果選擇此選項,將重新生成輪詢器緩存。如果在崩潰後遇到問題並且已經運行數據庫修復工具,則僅在發生數據庫崩潰時使用此選項。或者,如果您遇到特定設備的問題,只需重新保存該設備即可重建其輪詢器緩存。還有一個與此命令等效的命令行界面,建議用於大型系統。 <i class="deviceDown">注意:在大型系統上,此命令可能需要幾分鐘到幾小時才能完成,因此不應從Cacti UI運行。您可以在命令行中運行&#39;php -q cli / rebuild_poller_cache.php --help&#39;以獲取更多信息。</i>
NOTE: On large systems, this command may take several minutes to hours to complete and therefore should not be run from the Cacti UI. You can simply run 'php -q cli/rebuild_poller_cache.php --help' at the command line for more information.
Approximate in Process: 過程中的大約:
Previous Runtime Statistics 運行時統計信息
Last End Time: 上次開始時間:
Records: %s (ds rows), Time: %s (secs), GetRows: %s (secs), ResultsCycle: %s (secs), FileAndTemplate: %s (secs), LastUpdate: %s (secs), RRDUpdate: %s (secs), Delete: %s (secs)
Previous Runtime Timers: 詳細的運行時間計時器:
Process: %d 1流程
Status: <span class="deviceUp"><b>Running</b></span>, Remaining: %s (dses), CurrentRuntime: %s (secs), PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Status: <span class="deviceRecovering"><b>Idle</b></span>, PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following VDEF. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下VDEF。
Click 'Continue' to Delete following VDEFs. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下VDEF。
Delete VDEF 刪除VDEF
Delete VDEFs 刪除VDEF
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following VDEF. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下樹。
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following VDEFs. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下樹。
Duplicate VDEF 重複VDEF
Duplicate VDEFs 重複VDEF