English Chinese (Traditional)
What Site is this Device associated with. 此設備與哪個網站相關聯。
Choose the Device Template to use to define the default Graph Templates and Data Queries associated with this Device. 選擇用於定義與此設備關聯的默認圖表模板和數據查詢的設備模板。
Number of Collection Threads 收集線程數
The number of concurrent threads to use for polling this device. This applies to the Spine poller only. 用於輪詢此設備的並發線程數。這僅適用於Spine輪詢器。
Check this box to disable all checks for this host. 選中此框可禁用此主機的所有檢查。
Availability/Reachability Options 可用性/可達性選項
Downed Device Detection 下降的設備檢測
The method Cacti will use to determine if a host is available for polling. <br><i>NOTE: It is recommended that, at a minimum, SNMP always be selected.</i> Cacti將使用該方法確定主機是否可用於輪詢。 <br> <i>注意:建議始終至少選擇SNMP。</i>
The type of ping packet to sent. <br><i>NOTE: ICMP on Linux/UNIX requires root privileges.</i> 要發送的ping數據包的類型。 <br> <i>注意:Linux / UNIX上的ICMP需要root權限。</i>
Additional Options 附加功能
Notes 備註
Enter notes to this host. 為此主機輸入備註。
External ID 外部ID
External ID for linking Cacti data to external monitoring systems. 用於將Cacti數據鏈接到外部監控系統的外部ID。
A useful name for this host template. 此主機模板的有用名稱。
A name for this data query. 此數據查詢的名稱。
A description for this data query. 此數據查詢的說明。
XML Path XML路徑
The full path to the XML file containing definitions for this data query. 包含此數據查詢定義的XML文件的完整路徑。
Choose the input method for this Data Query. This input method defines how data is collected for each Device associated with the Data Query. 選擇此數據查詢的輸入方法。此輸入方法定義如何為與數據查詢關聯的每個設備收集數據。