English Chinese (Traditional)
Line Width (decimal) 線寬(十進制)
In case LINE was chosen, specify width of line here. You must include a decimal precision, for example 2.00 如果選擇了LINE,請在此處指定線寬。您必須包含小數精度,例如2.00
Dashes (dashes[=on_s[,off_s[,on_s,off_s]...]]) 破折號(短劃線[= on_s [,off_s [,on_s,off_s] ...]])
The dashes modifier enables dashed line style. 破折號修改器啟用虛線樣式。
Dash Offset (dash-offset=offset) Dash Offset(破折號偏移=偏移)
The dash-offset parameter specifies an offset into the pattern at which the stroke begins. dash-offset參數指定筆劃開始的模式的偏移量。
The name given to this graph template. 此圖表模板的名稱。
Multiple Instances 多個實例
Check this checkbox if there can be more than one Graph of this type per Device. 如果每個設備可以有多個此類型的圖表,請選中此復選框。
Test Data Sources 有數據來源
Enter a name for this graph item input, make sure it is something you recognize. 輸入此圖表項輸入的名稱,確保它是您識別的內容。
Enter a description for this graph item input to describe what this input is used for. 輸入此圖表項輸入的描述以描述此輸入的用途。
Field Type 字段類型
How data is to be represented on the graph. 如何在圖表上顯示數據。
General Device Options 常規設備選項
Give this host a meaningful description. 為此主機提供有意義的描述。
Fully qualified hostname or IP address for this device. 此設備的標準主機名或IP地址。
The physical location of the Device. This free form text can be a room, rack location, etc. 設備的物理位置。這種自由格式文本可以是房間,機架位置等。
Poller Association Poller協會
Device Site Association 設備站點關聯