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Every %d Weeks 每個%d週
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Round Robin Archives Round Robin Archives
%d OID 最大OID
Field [%s] 字段[%s]
Choose the associated field from the %s field. 從%s字段中選擇關聯字段。
Enter a name for this %s field. Note: If using name value pairs in your script, for example: NAME:VALUE, it is important that the name match your output field name identically to the script output name or names. 輸入此%s字段的名稱。注意:如果在腳本中使用名稱值對,例如:NAME:VALUE,則重要的是名稱與輸出字段名稱匹配,與腳本輸出名稱相同。
If this field should be treated specially by host templates, indicate so here. Valid keywords for this field are %s 如果此字段應由主機模板專門處理,請在此處指明。此字段的有效關鍵字為%s
Image Format (--imgformat) 圖像格式( - imgformat)
Unit Grid Value (--unit/--y-grid) 單位網格值( - 單位/ - y網格)
Right Axis Label (--right-axis-label <string>) 右軸標籤( - right-axis-label <string>)
Right Axis Format (--right-axis-format <format>) 右軸格式( - right-axis-format <format>)
By default, the format of the axis labels gets determined automatically. If you want to do this yourself, use this option with the same %lf arguments you know from the PRINT and GPRINT commands. 默認情況下,軸標籤的格式會自動確定。如果您想自己執行此操作,請將此選項與PRINT和GPRINT命令中使用的相同%lf參數一起使用。
Left Axis Formatter (--left-axis-formatter <formatname>) 左軸格式化程序( - left-axis-formatter <formatname>)
Tab Width (--tabwidth <pixels>) 標籤寬度( - tabwidth <pixels>)
Operator. 客服人員
Sequence. 序列
The String Pattern (Regular Expression) to match against.<br>Enclosing '/' must <strong>NOT</strong> be provided! 要匹配的字符串模式(正則表達式)。 <br>封閉&#39;/&#39; <strong>不能</strong>提供!