English Chinese (Traditional)
Data Source Type 數據源類型
How data is represented in the RRA. 如何在RRA中表示數據。
The maximum amount of time that can pass before data is entered as 'unknown'. (Usually 2x300=600) 在將數據輸入為“未知”之前可以通過的最長時間。 (通常2x300 = 600)
Not Selected 未選擇
When data is gathered, the data for this field will be put into this data source. 收集數據時,此字段的數據將放入此數據源。
Enter a name for this GPRINT preset, make sure it is something you recognize. 輸入此GPRINT預設的名稱,確保它是您識別的內容。
Enter the custom GPRINT string here. 在此處輸入自定義GPRINT字符串。
Common Options 一般設定
Title (--title) 標題( - 標題)
The name that is printed on the graph. It can include replacement variables such as |host_description| or |query_fieldName|. For a complete list of supported replacement tags, please see the Cacti documentation. 圖表上打印的名稱。它可以包含替換變量,例如| host_description |或| query_fieldName |。有關支持的替換標籤的完整列表,請參閱Cacti文檔。
Vertical Label (--vertical-label) 垂直標籤( - 垂直標籤)
The label vertically printed to the left of the graph. 標籤垂直打印在圖表的左側。
Image Format (--imgformat) 圖像格式( - imgformat)
The type of graph that is generated; PNG, GIF or SVG. The selection of graph image type is very RRDtool dependent. 生成的圖形類型; PNG,GIF或SVG。圖形圖像類型的選擇非常依賴於RRDtool。
Height (--height) 高度( - 高度)
The height (in pixels) of the graph area within the graph. This area does not include the legend, axis legends, or title. 圖中圖形區域的高度(以像素為單位)。此區域不包括圖例,軸圖例或標題。
Width (--width) 寬度( - 寬度)
The width (in pixels) of the graph area within the graph. This area does not include the legend, axis legends, or title. 圖中圖形區域的寬度(以像素為單位)。此區域不包括圖例,軸圖例或標題。
Base Value (--base) 基值( - 基數)