English Chinese (Traditional)
The maximum number of attempts to reach a device via an SNMP readstring prior to giving up. 在放棄之前通過SNMP讀取串到達設備的最大嘗試次數。
A useful name for this Data Storage and Polling Profile. 此數據存儲和輪詢配置文件的有用名稱。
New Profile 新設定檔
Polling Interval 輪詢間隔
The frequency that data will be collected from the Data Source? 從數據源收集數據的頻率?
How long can data be missing before RRDtool records unknown data. Increase this value if your Data Source is unstable and you wish to carry forward old data rather than show gaps in your graphs. This value is multiplied by the X-Files Factor to determine the actual amount of time. 在RRDtool記錄未知數據之前,數據可以丟失多長時間。如果您的數據源不穩定並且您希望繼承舊數據而不是在圖表中顯示間隙,請增加此值。此值乘以X-Files因子以確定實際的時間量。
X-Files Factor X檔案因子
The amount of unknown data that can still be regarded as known. 仍然可以認為已知的未知數據量。
Consolidation Functions 合併功能
How data is to be entered in RRAs. 如何在RRA中輸入數據。
Is this the default storage profile? 這是默認存儲配置文件嗎?
RRDfile Size (in Bytes) RRDfile大小(以字節為單位)
Based upon the number of Rows in all RRAs and the number of Consolidation Functions selected, the size of this entire in the RRDfile. 根據所有RRA中的行數和所選的合併函數數,在RRD文件中整數的大小。
New Profile RRA 新概況RRA
Aggregation Level 聚合級別
The number of samples required prior to filling a row in the RRA specification. The first RRA should always have a value of 1. 在RRA規範中填充行之前所需的樣本數。第一個RRA應始終具有值1。
How many generations data is kept in the RRA. RRA中保留了多少代數據。
Default Timespan 默認時間跨度
When viewing a Graph based upon the RRA in question, the default Timespan to show for that Graph. 在根據相關RRA查看圖表時,為該圖表顯示默認Timespan。
Based upon the Aggregation Level, the Rows, and the Polling Interval the amount of data that will be retained in the RRA 基於聚合級別,行和輪詢間隔,將在RRA中保留的數據量