English Chinese (Traditional)
No Totals 沒有總計
Print All Legend Items 打印所有圖例項目
Print Totaling Legend Items Only 打印總計僅限圖例項目
Total Similar Data Sources 總類似數據源
Total All Data Sources 所有數據源總數
No Reordering 沒有重新排序
Data Source, Graph 數據源,圖表
Graph, Data Source 圖,數據源
Base Graph Order 有圖表
contains 包含
does not contain 不包含
begins with 開始於
does not begin with 不是以
ends with 结束於
does not end with 結尾非結束於
matches 符合
is not equal to 不等於
is less than 小於
is less than or equal 小於等於
is greater than 大於