English Chinese (Traditional)
Click 'Continue' to Overwrite the Users settings with the selected Template User settings and permissions. The original Users Full Name, Password, Realm and Enable status will be retained, all other fields will be overwritten from the Template User. 單擊“繼續”以使用所選模板用戶設置和權限覆蓋用戶設置。將保留原始用戶的全名,密碼,域和啟用狀態,所有其他字段將從模板用戶覆蓋。
Replace User Settings for User 重置用戶設置
Replace User Settings for Users 重置用戶設置
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Device' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or Device to gain access to the Graph <b>注意:</b>系統圖策略是“限制性”,意味著用戶必須能夠訪問圖表或設備和圖表模板才能訪問圖表
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Graph Template' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph <b>注意:</b>系統圖策略是“允許的”意味著用戶必須能夠訪問圖形,設備或圖形模板中的至少一個才能訪問圖形
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following User Domain. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下用戶域。
Click 'Continue' to Delete following User Domains. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下用戶域。
Delete User Domain 刪除用戶域
Delete User Domains 刪除用戶域
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following User Domain. 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下用戶域。
Click 'Continue' to Disable following User Domains. 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下用戶域。
Disable User Domain 禁用用戶域
Disable User Domains 禁用用戶域
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following User Domain. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下用戶域。
Click 'Continue' to Enable following User Domains. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下用戶域。
Enable User Domain 啟用用戶域
Enable User Domains 啟用用戶域
A space delimited list of DNS hostnames or IP address of for valid LDAP servers. Cacti will attempt to use the LDAP servers from left to right to authenticate a user. 有效 LDAP 服務器的 DNS 主機名或 IP 地址的空格分隔列表。 Cacti 將嘗試從左到右使用 LDAP 服務器來驗證用戶。
The "Distinguished Name" syntax, applicable for both OpenLDAP and Windows AD configurations, offers flexibility in defining user identity. For OpenLDAP, the format follows this structure: <i>"uid=&lt;username&gt;,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local"</i>. Windows AD provides an alternative syntax: <i>"&lt;username&gt;@win2kdomain.local"</i>, commonly known as "userPrincipalName (UPN)". In this context, "&lt;username&gt;" represents the specific username provided during the login prompt. This is particularly pertinent when operating in "No Searching" mode, or "Require Group Membership" enabled.