English Chinese (Traditional)
Data Collector synchronization must be initiated from the main Cacti server. 必須從主Cacti服務器啟動Data Collector同步。
Synchronization does not include the Central Cacti Database server. 同步不包括Central Cacti數據庫服務器。
When saving a Remote Data Collector, the Database Hostname must be unique from all others. 保存遠程數據收集器時,數據庫主機名必須與所有其他數據庫唯一。
Your Remote Database Hostname must be something other than 'localhost' for each Remote Data Collector. 對於每個遠程數據收集器,您的遠程數據庫主機名必須是“localhost”以外的其他名稱。
Path variables on this page were only saved locally. 此頁面上的路徑變量僅在本地保存。
Report Saved 報告已保存
Report Save Failed 報告保存失敗
Report Item Saved 報告項目已保存
Report Item Save Failed 報告項目保存失敗
Graph was not found attempting to Add to Report 未找到圖表嘗試添加到報告
Unable to Add Graphs. Current user is not owner 無法添加圖表。當前用戶不是所有者
Unable to Add all Graphs. See error message for details. 無法添加所有圖表。有關詳細信息,請參見錯
You must select at least one Graph to add to a Report. 您必須至少選擇一個圖表才能添加到報告中。
All Graphs have been added to the Report. Duplicate Graphs with the same Timespan were skipped. 所有圖表都已添加到報告中。跳過了具有相同Timespan的重複圖表。
Poller Resource Cache cleared. Main Data Collector will rebuild at the next poller start, and Remote Data Collectors will sync afterwards. 輪詢資源緩存已清除。主數據收集器將在下一個輪詢器啟動時重建,遠程數據收集器將在之後同步。
Permission Denied. You do not have permission to the requested action. 沒有權限。您無權執行所請求的操作。
Page is not defined. Therefore, it can not be displayed. 頁面未定義。因此,它無法顯示。
Unexpected error occurred 發生意外錯誤
Function 功能
Special Data Source 特殊數據源