English Chinese (Traditional)
Graph Template includes deleted GPrint Prefix. Please run database repair script to identify and/or correct. 圖表模板包括已刪除的GPrint前綴。請運行數據庫修復腳本以識別和/或更正。
Graph Template includes deleted CDEFs. Please run database repair script to identify and/or correct. 圖表模板包括已刪除的CDEF。請運行數據庫修復腳本以識別和/或更正。
Graph Template includes deleted Data Input Method. Please run database repair script to identify. 圖表模板包括已刪除的數據輸入法。請運行數據庫修復腳本進行識別。
Data Template not found during Export. Please run database repair script to identify. 導出期間未找到數據模板。請運行數據庫修復腳本進行識別。
Device Template not found during Export. Please run database repair script to identify. 導出期間未找到設備模板。請運行數據庫修復腳本進行識別。
Data Query not found during Export. Please run database repair script to identify. 導出期間未找到數據查詢。請運行數據庫修復腳本進行識別。
Graph Template not found during Export. Please run database repair script to identify. 導出期間未找到圖形模板。請運行數據庫修復腳本進行識別。
Graph not found. Either it has been deleted or your database needs repair. 找不到圖表。它已被刪除或您的數據庫需要修復。
SNMPv3 Auth Passphrases must be 8 characters or greater. SNMPv3 Auth Passphrases必須為8個字符或更大。
Some Graphs not updated. Unable to change device for Data Query based Graphs. 某些圖表未更新。無法更改基於數據查詢的圖形的設備。
Unable to change device for Data Query based Graphs. 無法更改基於數據查詢的圖形的設備。
Some settings not saved. Check messages below. Check red fields for errors. 某些設置未保存。檢查下面的消息。檢查紅色字段是否有錯誤。
The file highlighted does not exist. Please enter a valid file name. 突出顯示的文件不存在。請輸入有效的文件名。
All User Settings have been returned to their default values. 所有用戶設置都已恢復為默認值。
Suggested Field Name was not entered. Please enter a field name and try again. 未輸入建議的字段名稱。請輸入字段名稱,然後重試。
Suggested Value was not entered. Please enter a suggested value and try again. 未輸入建議值。請輸入建議值,然後重試。
You must select at least one object from the list. 您必須從列表中選擇至少一個對象。
Device Template updated. Remember to Sync Devices to push all changes to Devices that use this Device Template. 設備模板已更新。請記住同步模板以將所有更改推送到使用此設備模板的設備。
Save Successful. Settings replicated to Remote Data Collectors. 保存成功。設置已復製到遠程數據收集器。
Save Failed. Minimum Values must be less than Maximum Value. 保存失敗。最小值必須小於最大值。