English Chinese (Traditional)
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for Poller[%d]! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll! 警告:%s與Poller Interval不同步!輪詢間隔為'%d'秒,最大值為'%d'秒,但自上次輪詢以來已經過了%d秒!
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for Poller[%d], please investigate. 警告:檢測到'%d'超出輪詢週期,請進行調查。
WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for Poller[%d]. Issues: %d, %s. 警告:輪詢器輸出表不為空。問題:%d,%s。
ERROR: The spine path: %s is invalid for Poller[%d]. Poller can not continue! 錯誤:主幹路徑:%s無效。 Poller無法繼續!
Maximum runtime of %d seconds exceeded for Poller[%d]. Exiting. 超出%d秒的最大運行時間。退出。
WARNING: Cacti Polling Cycle Exceeded Poller Interval by 警告:仙人掌輪詢週期超過輪詢間隔
WARNING: 24 hours Poller[%d] avg. run time is %f seconds (more than %d % of time limit)
WARNING: In last hour Poller[%d] run time %d times reached more than %d % of time limit
NOTE: A second Cacti data collector has been added. Therefore, enabling boost automatically! 注意:已添加第二個仙人掌數據收集器。因此,自動啟用增強功能!
WARNING: Main Cacti database offline or in recovery 警告:主 Cacti 數據庫離線或正在恢復
WARNING: Detected Poller Boost Overrun, Possible Boost Poller Crash 警告:檢測到 Poller Boost Overrun,可能 Boost Poller 崩潰
Use Cacti Log Level 通用日誌級別
Custom Log Level 通用日誌級別
In Cases where you need to perform debugging for a single Data Collector Only, you can change it's log level here.
Remote Database Retries 遠程數據庫用戶
The number of times to attempt to retry to connect to the remote database. 用於連接遠程數據庫的用戶名。
The file holding the SSL Certificate Authority to use to connect to the remote database. This is an optional parameter that can be required by the database provider if they have started SSL using the --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA option. 保存用於連接到遠程數據庫的 SSL 證書頒發機構的文件。這是一個可選參數,如果數據庫提供程序使用 --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA 選項啟動 SSL,則可能需要該參數。
Remote Database SSL Authorities directory 遠程數據庫SSL權限
The file path to the directory that contains the trusted SSL Certificate Authority certificates. This is an optional parameter that can used instead of giving the path to an individual Certificate Authority file. This parameter can be required by the database provider if they have started SSL using the --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA option. 保存用於連接到遠程數據庫的 SSL 證書頒發機構的文件。這是一個可選參數,如果數據庫提供程序使用 --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA 選項啟動 SSL,則可能需要該參數。
Provides a way to disable verification of the server's SSL certificate Common Name against the server's hostname when connecting. This verification is enabled by default.