English Chinese (Traditional)
Current (ms) 電流(ms)
The current ping time in milliseconds to reach the Device. 到達設備的當前ping時間(以毫秒為單位)。
Average (ms) 平均(ms)
The average ping time in milliseconds to reach the Device since the counters were cleared for this Device. 自從為此設備清除計數器以來到達設備的平均ping時間(以毫秒為單位)。
Availability 可用性
The availability percentage based upon ping results since the counters were cleared for this Device. 自從為此設備清除計數器以來,基於ping結果的可用性百分比。
Sync Devices 同步設備
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Graph Template will be disassociated from the Device Template. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下圖形模板將與設備模板解除關聯。
Graph Template Name: %s 圖形模板名稱:%s
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Data Queries will be disassociated from the Device Template. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下數據查詢將與設備模板解除關聯。
Data Query Name: %s 數據查詢名稱:%s
Device Templates [edit: %s] 設備模板[編輯:%s]
Device Templates [new] 設備模板[新]
Default Submit Button 默認提交按鈕
Add Graph Template to Device Template 將圖表模板添加到設備模板
No associated data queries. 沒有關聯的數據查詢。
Add Data Query to Device Template 將數據查詢添加到設備模板
Delete Item from Device Template 刪除設備模板
Device Templates 設備模板
Has Devices 有設備