English Chinese (Traditional)
'%s' versions '%s' above or in range are required to install '%s'. %s版本%s或以上是%s所必需的。
'%s' must first be installed before '%s' is installed. %s是必需的,並且未安裝。
The Plugin '%s' has been archived successfully. 仙人掌日誌成功清除
The Plugin '%s' archiving process has failed. Check the Cacti log for errors. 一個或多個RRDfile修復失敗。有關錯誤,請參閱仙人掌日誌。
The Cacti plugin %s has not releases Cacti Poller尚未運行。
Device '%s' successfully added to Report. 添加到仙人掌
Device not found! Unable to add to Report 未找到圖表嘗試添加到報告
Device '%s' not added to Report as it already exists on report. 設備“%s”未添加到報告中,因為它已存在於報告中。
RRDtool Command Crashed RRDtool命令:
The required RRDfile step size is '%s' but observed step is '%s' 必需的RRD步長為'%s'
The XFF for Cacti RRA id is '%s' but should be '%s' 仙人掌RRA id'%s'的XFF應為'%s'
The number of rows for Cacti RRA id '%s' is incorrect. The number of rows are '%s' but should be '%s' Cacti RRA id'%s'的行數應為'%s'
The RRA '%s' missing in the existing Cacti RRDfile RRD文件中缺少RRA'%s'
Errors Found 沒有 %s 找到
Optional Tuning Recommendations 數據源字段
Graph Not created for %s due to bad data 圖形創建
InnoDB will hold as much tables and indexes in system memory as is possible. Therefore, you should make the innodb_buffer_pool large enough to hold as much of the tables and index in memory. Checking the size of the /var/lib/mysql/cacti directory will help in determining this value. We are recommending 25%% of your systems total memory, but your requirements will vary depending on your systems size. If you database is very large or remote, you can consider increasing this size. If remote, it can by as high as 80% of the systems memory. However, cautions must be taken to reduce the swappiness of the system, or to remove swap to keep the system from swapping. InnoDB將盡可能多地保存系統內存中的表和索引。因此,你應該使innodb_buffer_pool足夠大,以便在內存中保存盡可能多的表和索引。檢查/ var / lib / mysql / cacti目錄的大小將有助於確定此值。我們建議您的系統總內存佔25 %%,但您的要求會因係統大小而異。
This settings should remain ON unless your Cacti instances is running on either ZFS or FusionI/O which both have internal journaling to accommodate abrupt system crashes. However, if you have very good power, and your systems rarely go down and you have backups, turning this setting to OFF can net you almost a 50% increase in database performance. 除非您的Cacti實例在ZFS或FusionI / O上運行,並且兩者都具有內部日記功能以適應突然的系統崩潰,否則此設置應保持為ON。但是,如果您的電源非常好,並且系統很少宕機並且有備份,那麼將此設置設置為OFF可以使數據庫性能提高近50%。
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MariaDB less than 10.5. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max the number of CPU cores or 64. %s會將innodb_buffer_pool劃分為內存區域以提高性能。最大值為64.當你的innodb_buffer_pool小於1GB時,你應該使用池大小除以128MB。繼續使用此公式,最大值為64。
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MySQL upto and including MySQL 8.0. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max of the number of CPU cores or 64. %s會將innodb_buffer_pool劃分為內存區域以提高性能。最大值為64.當你的innodb_buffer_pool小於1GB時,你應該使用池大小除以128MB。繼續使用此公式,最大值為64。