English Chinese (Traditional)
Access Denied! Login failed. 拒絕訪問,禁用用戶帳戶。
This password appears to be a well known password, please use a different one
Cacti Login Failure Cacti Log清除
Authentication was previously not set. Attempted to set to Local Authentication, but no Administrative account was found. 之前未設置身份驗證。嘗試設置為本地身份驗證,但未找到管理員帳戶。
Unknown error 未知的秒
ERROR: Unable to find user 無法找到用戶DN
2FA failed to be disabled 將過濾器應用於表格
2FA is now disabled 路徑不可寫
2FA secret failed to be generated/updated
2FA secret has needs verification 刪除驗證
ERROR: Code was not verified, please try again
2FA has been enabled and verified
Head Lines %d行
Warnings++ 警告
Errors++ 錯誤
AutoM8 自動
Non Stats 沒有說明
Device Up/Down 設備使用
Recaches 符合
Matches 符合