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Devices Removed from Cacti Automation database 從 Cacti 自動化數據庫中刪除的設備
Click 'Continue' to Add the following Discovered Device to Cacti. 單擊“繼續”以添加以下發現的設備。
Click 'Continue' to Add the following Discovered Devices to Cacti. 單擊“繼續”以添加以下發現的設備。
Add Discovered Device 發現的設備
Add Discovered Devices 發現的設備
Click 'Continue' to Remove the following Discovered Device. 單擊“繼續”以添加以下發現的設備。
Click 'Continue' to Remove the following Discovered Devices. 單擊“繼續”以添加以下發現的設備。
Remove Discovered Device 發現的設備
Remove Discovered Devices 發現的設備
Imported Device 導出設備
Removed from Cacti 從群組中刪除
Not In Cacti 關於仙人掌
Invalid Network 網絡
Import Graph Rules from Local File 從本地文件導入模板
If the JSON file containing the Graph Rules data is located on your local machine, select it here. 如果包含模板數據的XML文件位於本地計算機上,請在此處選擇它。
Import Graph Rules from Text 從文本導入模板
If you have the JSON file containing the Graph Rules data as text, you can paste it into this box to import it. 如果您將包含模板數據的XML文件作為文本,則可以將其粘貼到此框中以將其導入。
Cacti has Imported the following Graph Rules Cacti已導入以下物品:
Import Graph Rules 圖規則