English Chinese (Traditional)
1 Million
2.5 Million (20 Megabits)
7.5 Million (60 Megabits)
10 Million
12.5 Million (100 Megabits)
31.3 Million (250 Megabits)
75 Million (600 Megabits)
100 Million
125 Million (1 Gigabit)
1 Billion
1.25 Billion (10 Gigabits)
12.5 Billion (100 Gigabits)
DS Filter 篩選
Specifies the DSes inside an RRD upon which Spikekill will operate. A string of comma-separated values that contains index numbers or names of desired DSes. If left blank, all DSes will match. An example is <i>"5,traffic_*"</i>, which would match DS index 5 as well as any DS whose name begins with <i>"traffic_"</i>.
TimeZone Support MySQL - TimeZone支持
How would you like Cacti to present dates? This setting will also change the way that Cacti Graphs dates are represented.
Cacti Server Timezone Cacti Server v%s - 維護
My Browsers Timezone
For users with Console access only, how long this user can stay logged in before being automatically logged out. Note that if you have not been active in more than an hour, you may have to refresh your browser. Also note that this setting has no affect when Authentication Cookies are enabled. 對於僅具有控制台訪問權限的用戶,此用戶在自動註銷之前可以保持登錄狀態的時間。請注意,如果您已經超過一個小時沒有活動,則可能需要刷新瀏覽器。另請注意,此設置在啟用身份驗證 Cookie 時沒有影響。
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