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DS Filter 篩選
TimeZone Support MySQL - TimeZone支持
Cacti Server Timezone Cacti Server v%s - 維護
For users with Console access only, how long this user can stay logged in before being automatically logged out. Note that if you have not been active in more than an hour, you may have to refresh your browser. Also note that this setting has no affect when Authentication Cookies are enabled. 對於僅具有控制台訪問權限的用戶,此用戶在自動註銷之前可以保持登錄狀態的時間。請注意,如果您已經超過一個小時沒有活動,則可能需要刷新瀏覽器。另請注意,此設置在啟用身份驗證 Cookie 時沒有影響。
Cacti Install Help 主動/安裝
FATAL: We are unable to continue with this installation. In order to install Cacti, PHP must be at version 7.4 or later. 致命:我們無法繼續此安裝。為了安裝Cacti,PHP必須是5.4或更高版本。
You must pass at least a single Graph to this function 您必須至少選擇一個圖表才能添加到報告中。
GPrint 刪除GPRINT預設
Aggregate Items are not modifiable 聚合項目不可修改
Matching Objects [ %s ]  匹配對象[%s]
Show Matching Device SQL Query 沒有匹配的設備
Show Matching Objects SQL Query 匹配對象
ERROR: IP ranges in the form of range1-range2 are no longer supported. 錯誤:不再支持採用 range1-range2 形式的 IP 範圍。
No file uploaded. 尚未選取檔案
Imported 匯入
Updated 更新
Automation Network SNMP Option %s! 自動化SNMP選項
Automation Network SNMP Option %s Failed! 自動化SNMP選項
Unknown Device Template 未知的模板
Automation Network Rule '%s' %s! 默認自動化網絡