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How would you like Spine output errors logged? The options are: 'Detailed' which is similar to cmd.php logging; 'Summary' which provides the number of output errors per Device; and 'None', which does not provide error counts. 您如何記錄Spine輸出錯誤?選項是:'詳細',類似於cmd.php日誌記錄; 'Summary',它提供每個Device的輸出錯誤數量;和'無',它不提供錯誤計數。
If a user authenticates and selects 'Keep me signed in', an authentication cookie will be created on the user's computer allowing that user to stay logged in. The authentication cookie expires after 90 days of non-use. Note, the client must use HTTPS to leverage this feature. 如果用戶進行身份驗證並選擇“保持登錄狀態”,則將在用戶的計算機上創建一個身份驗證cookie,允許該用戶保持登錄狀態。身份驗證cookie在不使用90天后過期。
2FA Timeout 已逾時
Pwned Check 運行檢查
Pwned Threshold 閾值
Basic Authentication Settings Web基本身份驗證
Basic Auth Login Failure Message 基本身份驗證映射文件
When using basic authentication, if there are issues mapping the username to a valid Cacti account, the message included here will be displayed to users. It can include both text and HTML. 使用基本身份驗證時,如果將用戶名映射到有效的 Cacti 帳戶時出現問題,則會向用戶顯示此處包含的消息。它可以包括文本和 HTML。
Account Email Notification 仙人掌系統工具
Send email to new user Sendmail選項
The maximum size of the E-Mail message including all attachments. 電子郵件消息的最大大小,包括所有附件。
Internet Proxy Settings 一般設定
Internet Proxy Address 輸入站點地址
If the boost poller exceeds this runtime, a warning will be placed in the cacti log, 如果boost poller刪除了此運行時,則會在cacti日誌中發出警告,
Enable Direct Population of Boost Table 啟用poller_output_boost表的直接填充
Enables direct insert of records into poller output boost table with results in a 25% time reduction in each poll cycle. 允許將記錄直接插入到輪詢器輸出增強中,結果是每個輪詢週期減少25%的時間。
Enable Boost Debugging 啟用外掛程式
Data Collection Method 數據採集
All Statistical Metrics 明確統計
Number of DSStats Processes Boost進程數