English Chinese (Traditional)
To be used when formatting |date_time| on a graph 格式化 |date_time| 時使用在圖表上
Provided your RRDtool version supports it, you may disable RRDtool advertisement on your Graphs by checking this option. 如果您的 RRDtool 版本支持它,您可以通過選中此選項禁用圖形上的 RRDtool 廣告。
Business Hours Settings 使用者設定
Hide Weekends %d週
Maximum number of days to show business hours 每頁的最大行數
The frequency that the Cacti data collector will be started. You can use either crontab, a scheduled task (for windows), or the cactid systemd service to control launching the Cacti data collector. For instructions on using the cactid daemon, review the README.md file in the service directory. Cacti 數據收集器的啟動頻率。您可以使用 crontab、計劃任務(適用於 Windows)或 cactid systemd 服務來控制啟動 Cacti 數據收集器。有關使用 cactid 守護程序的說明,請查看服務目錄中的 README.md 文件。
The default maximum number of SNMP Get OIDs to issue per snmpget request. For Devices, this setting is controlled at the Device level. You should only use this setting when using Cacti's SNMP API natively in your scripts or plugins. 每個 snmpget 請求發出的默認最大 SNMP Get OID 數。對於設備,此設置在設備級別進行控制。只有在腳本或插件中原生使用 Cacti 的 SNMP API 時,才應使用此設置。
Data Collector Replication 數據收集器信息
By default, the main Cacti Data Collector will cache the entire web site and plugins into a Resource Cache. Then, periodically the Remote Data Collectors will update themselves with any updates from the main Cacti Data Collector. This Resource Cache essentially allows Remote Data Collectors to self upgrade. If you do not wish to use this option, you can disable it using this setting. 默認情況下,主仙人掌數據收集器會將整個網站和插件緩存到資源緩存中。然後,遠程數據收集器會定期使用主仙人掌數據收集器的任何更新來更新主題。該資源緩存實質上允許遠程數據收集器進行自我升級。如果您不想使用此選項,則可以使用此設置禁用它。
The maximum time that spine will wait on a script to complete. This timeout value is in seconds and valid for both cmd.php and spine Data Collectors. Cacti等待腳本完成的最長時間。此超時值以秒為單位
Re-Index All Device Schedule 重新索引方法
Monthly on Sunday 每月一次
Background Timeout and Concurrent Process Settings 圖例字體設置
RRDChecker Timeout DNS超時
The maximum amount of time Cacti's RRDfile Check script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Cacti的Spikekill腳本可以運行的最長時間,而不會產生超時錯誤並被殺死。
Poller Commands Timeout 後台命令超時
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Background Commands script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. This script will perform tasks such as re-indexing Devices and pruning devices from Remote Data Collectors. Cacti的Background Commands腳本可以運行的最長時間,而不會產生超時錯誤並被殺死。
Poller Command Concurrent Processes 並發進程
These settings are maintained at the Data Collector level. The values here are only defaults used when first creating a Data Collector. 這些設置在數據收集器級別維護。此處的值僅是首次創建數據收集器時使用的默認值。
Spine Specific Execution Parameters 脊柱特定執行參數