English Chinese (Traditional)
Graph Template Name 圖形模板名稱
Mapping ID 映射ID
Association Read Only until XML file located 關聯只讀,直到找到XML文件
Mapped Graph Templates with Graphs are read only 帶圖表的映射圖模板是只讀的
No Graph Templates Defined. 沒有定義圖表模板。
Delete Associated Graph 刪除關聯圖表
Data Queries 數據查詢
Data Query Name 數據查詢名稱
The name of this Data Query. 此數據查詢的名稱。
The internal ID for this Graph Template. Useful when performing automation or debugging. 此圖表模板的內部ID。在執行自動化或調試時很有用。
Data Queries that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by either a Graph or a Graph Template. 正在使用的數據查詢無法刪除。使用中定義為由圖形或圖形模板引用。
The number of Graphs using this Data Query. 使用此數據查詢的圖表數量。
The number of Graphs Templates using this Data Query. 使用此數據查詢的圖表模板數。
The Data Input Method used to collect data for Data Sources associated with this Data Query. 用於收集與此數據查詢關聯的數據源的數據的數據輸入方法。
No Data Queries Found 沒有找到數據查詢
Unable to duplicate Data Source Profile. Check Cacti Log for errors. 一個或多個RRDfile修復失敗。有關錯誤,請參閱仙人掌日誌。
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Data Source Profile RRA. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下數據源配置文件RRA。
Profile Name: %s 個人資料名稱:%s
Remove Data Source Profile RRA 刪除數據源配置文件RRA
Each Insert is New Row 每個Insert都是New Row