English Chinese (Traditional)
Enable Gradient Support 啟用報告
There are four methods for determining a User's Graph Permissions. The first is 'Permissive'. Under the 'Permissive' setting, a User only needs access to either the Graph, Device or Graph Template to gain access to the Graphs that apply to them. Under 'Restrictive', the User must have access to the Graph, the Device, and the Graph Template to gain access to the Graph. These first two methods have scalability problems for very large installs. So, two additional options are available. They are 'Device Based', which means if you have access to the Device, you get access to it's Graphs. And lastly 'Graph Template Based', which means if you have access to the 'Graph Template' you get access to all Device Graphs of that Template. 有兩種方法可用於確定用戶的圖形權限。第一個是'寬容'。在“允許”設置下,用戶只需訪問圖形,設備或圖形模板即可訪問適用於它們的圖形。在“限制性”下,用戶必須能夠訪問圖表,設備和圖表模板才能訪問圖表。
Device Based 設備名稱
Local Page Help Only 取得說明
GitHub User Account 用戶帳戶明細
Personal Access Token 成功 - 令牌
Enable Unsafe Plugin Installs 啟用外掛程式
Packaging Defaults 包文件
Author Name 作者
The name of the author that you wish published with the Device Template or Package. Cacti將用作新用戶帳戶模板的用戶名。
Author Email Address 寄件者電子郵件
Content-Security Alternate Sources 內容安全替代來源
Space delimited domain names that will be permitted to be accessed outside of the Web Server itself. This is important for users choosing to use a CDN, or hosting site. Sources can includes wildcards for example: *.mydomain.com, or a protocol, for example: https://*.example.com. These Alternate Sources include Image, CSS and JavaScript types only. 將允許在 Web 服務器本身之外訪問的空格分隔的域名。這對於選擇使用 CDN 或託管站點的用戶來說很重要。來源可以包括通配符,例如:*.mydomain.com,或協議,例如:https://*.example.com。這些替代源僅包括圖像、CSS 和 JavaScript 類型。
Remote Agent 遠程代理超時
TCP Port SMTP 通訊埠
Logging Level 記錄
Check this checkbox if you wish to test the Data Sources prior to their creation for new and newly imported Graph Templates. With Test Data Sources enabled, if the Data Source does not return valid data, the Graph will not be created. This setting is important if you wish to have a more generic Device Template that can include more Graph Templates that can be selectively applied depending on the characteristics of the Device itself. Note: If you have a long running script as a Data Source, the time to create Graphs will be increased. 如果您希望在創建新的和新導入的圖形模板之前測試數據源,請選中此復選框。啟用測試數據源後,如果數據源未返回有效數據,則不會創建圖表。如果您希望擁有一個更通用的設備模板,該模板可以包含更多可以根據設備本身的特性有選擇地應用的圖形模板,則此設置很重要。注意:如果你有一個長時間運行的腳本作為數據源,創建圖表的時間將會增加。
The default Graph Height to be used for all new Graph Templates. 所有新圖表模板使用的默認圖表寬度。
Autocomplete Delay 自動完成行
This is the minimal supported time between Graph updates. This value is also used to set certain RRDfile attributes. If you have a Device that caches data and does not provide realtime updates, you may have to increase the default Minimum Refresh Interval to prevent creating Graphs with gaps. 這是圖表更新之間支持的最短時間。此值還用於設置某些 RRDfile 屬性。如果您的設備緩存數據並且不提供實時更新,您可能需要增加默認的最小刷新間隔以防止創建有間隙的圖形。