English Chinese (Traditional)
Use the PHP GetText Handler 使用 PHP GetText 處理程序
Use the Oscarotero GetText Handler 使用 Oscarotero GetText 處理程序
Use the MonoTranslator GetText Handler 使用 MonoTranslator GetText 處理程序
[Restart] 受限
RRD Check 運行檢查
Cacti Help 仙人掌之家
%d OID's 最大OID
Bulk Walk Maximum Repetitions 批量步行最大重複次數
For SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Devices, the SNMP Bulk Walk max-repetitions size. The default is to 'Auto Detect on Re-Index'. For very large switches, high performance servers, Jumbo Frame Networks or for high latency WAN connections, increasing this value may increase poller performance. More data is packed into a single SNMP packet which can reduce data query run time. However, some devices may completely refuse to respond to packets with a max-repetition size which is set too large. This can be especially true for lower-powered IoT type devices or smaller embedded IT appliances. Special attention to the overall network path MTU should also be considered since setting a value which is too high could lead to packet fragmentation. 對於 SNMPv2 和 SNMPv3 設備,SNMP Bulk Walk max-repetitions 大小。默認為“重新索引時自動檢測”。對於超大型交換機、高性能服務器、巨型幀網絡或高延遲 WAN 連接,增加此值可能會提高輪詢器性能。更多的數據被打包到一個 SNMP 數據包中,這可以減少數據查詢的運行時間。然而,一些設備可能會完全拒絕響應設置過大的 max-repetition 大小的數據包。對於功率較低的物聯網類型設備或較小的嵌入式 IT 設備來說尤其如此。還應特別注意整個網絡路徑 MTU,因為設置過高的值可能會導致數據包碎片。
Auto Detect on Re-Index 重新索引時自動檢測
Auto Detect/Set on first Re-Index 第一次重新索引時自動檢測/設置
%d Repetition 網格選項
%d Repetitions 網格選項
Left Axis Format (--left-axis-format <format>) 左軸格式化程序( - left-axis-formatter <formatname>)
Check this checkbox if you wish to test the Data Sources prior to their creation. With Test Data Sources enabled, if the Data Source does not return valid data, the Graph will not be created. This setting is important if you wish to have a more generic Device Template that can include more Graph Templates that can be selectively applied depending on the characteristics of the Device itself. Note: If you have a long running script as a Data Source, the time to create Graphs will be increased. 如果您希望在創建數據源之前對其進行測試,請選中此復選框。啟用測試數據源後,如果數據源未返回有效數據,則不會創建圖表。如果您希望擁有一個更通用的設備模板,該模板可以包含更多可以根據設備本身的特性有選擇地應用的圖形模板,則此設置很重要。注意:如果你有一個長時間運行的腳本作為數據源,創建圖表的時間將會增加。
Created 創建
Date/time the device was added
Class 經典
A suitable Class for the Device Template. 此模板的有用名稱。
Data Source Overrides 數據源配置文件