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PHP uname PHP uname
It is highly suggested that you alter you php.ini memory_limit to %s or higher. 強烈建議您將php.ini memory_limit更改為%s或更高版本。
Available Templates [%s] 可用模板[%s]
Trees [edit: %s] 樹木[編輯:%s]
You are not allowed to delete the current login account 無法成功更改您的密碼。
You are not allowed to disable the current login account 無法成功更改您的密碼。
User Settings %s 用戶設置%s
User Management %s 用戶管理%s
Graph Permissions %s 圖表權限%s
Group Membership %s 集團成員%s
Devices Permission %s 設備權限%s
Template Permission %s 模板權限%s
Tree Permission %s 樹權限%s
User Domain [edit: %s] 用戶域[編輯:%s]
Field that will replace the Full Name when creating a new user, taken from LDAP. (on windows: displayname) 從LDAP獲取的創建新用戶時將替換全名的字段。 (在windows上:displayname)
Field that will replace the email taken from LDAP. (on windows: mail) 將替換從LDAP獲取的電子郵件的字段。 (在Windows上:郵件)
CN FullName CN FullName
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following User Group. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下用戶組
User Group Management [edit: %s] 用戶組管理[編輯:%s]
User Log Purged. 用戶語言