English Chinese (Traditional)
No Initial found! Waiting on RRDfile update 沒有找到初始!等待RRDfile更新
Waiting on analysis and RRDfile update RRD文件是否已更新?
RRDfile Owner RRDfile所有者
Website runs as 網站運行為
Poller runs as Poller像
Is RRA Folder writeable by poller? RRA文件夾是否可由poller寫入?
Is RRDfile writeable by poller? RRD文件是否可由poller寫入?
Does the RRDfile Exist? RRD文件是否存在?
Is the Data Source set as Active? 數據源是否設置為活動?
Did the poller receive valid data? 輪詢器是否收到有效數據?
Was the RRDfile updated? RRD文件是否已更新?
First Check TimeStamp 首先檢查TimeStamp
Second Check TimeStamp 第二次檢查TimeStamp
Were we able to convert the title? 我們能夠轉換標題嗎?
Data Source matches the RRDfile? 未對數據源進行調查
Data Source Troubleshooter [ Auto Refreshing till Complete ] %s 數據源問題排查工具[%s]
Refresh Now 重新整理
Data Source Troubleshooter [ Auto Refreshing till RRDfile Update ] %s 數據源問題排查工具[%s]
Data Source Troubleshooter [ Analysis Complete! %s ] 數據源問題排查工具[%s]
Rerun Analysis 重新運行分析