English Chinese (Traditional)
Natural 自然
Cut 剪下
Paste 貼上
Add Tree 添加樹
Sort Trees Ascending 排序樹升序
Sort Trees Descending 排序樹降序
Tree Name 樹名
The name by which this Tree will be referred to as. 此樹將被稱為的名稱。
The internal database ID for this Tree. Useful when performing automation or debugging. 此樹的內部數據庫ID。在執行自動化或調試時很有用。
Published 已發佈
Unpublished Trees cannot be viewed from the Graph tab 無法從“圖形”選項卡查看未發布的樹
A Tree must be locked in order to be edited. 必須鎖定樹才能進行編輯。
The original author of this Tree. 這棵樹的原作者。
To change the order of the trees, first sort by this column, press the up or down arrows once they appear. 要更改樹的順序,請先按此列排序,然後在出現時按向上或向下箭頭。
Last Edited 最後編輯
The date that this Tree was last edited. 上次編輯此樹的日期。
Edited By 已編輯由
The last user to have modified this Tree. 修改此樹的最後一個用戶。
The total number of Site Branches in this Tree. 此樹中的“站點分支”總數。
Branches 分行