English Chinese (Traditional)
Click 'Continue' to Un-Lock following Trees. 單擊“繼續”以取消發布以下樹。
Un-Lock Tree 取消發布樹
Un-Lock Trees 取消發布樹
Trees [edit: %s] 樹木[編輯:%s]
Trees [new] 樹木[新]
Edit Tree 編輯樹
To Edit this tree, you must first lock it by pressing the Edit Tree button. 要編輯此樹,必須先按“編輯樹”按鈕將其鎖定。
Add Root Branch 添加根分支
Finish Editing Tree 完成編輯樹
This tree has been locked for Editing on %1$s by %2$s. 此樹已被%2$s s鎖定在%1$s上編輯。
To edit the tree, you must first unlock it and then lock it as yourself 要編輯樹,必須先將其解鎖然後將其鎖定為自己
Tree Items 樹項目
Available Sites 可用站點
Available Devices 可用設備
Available Graphs 可用圖表
New Node 新節點
Rename 重新命名
Branch Sorting 分支排序
Inherit 繼承
Alphabetic 按字母順序