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Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id of '%s' 為 ID 為“%s”的數據查詢“%s”解析數據查詢資源 XML 文件時出錯
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s'. Field Name '%s' missing a 'direction' attribute 為 ID 為“%s”的數據查詢“%s”解析數據查詢資源 XML 文件時出錯
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s' 為 ID 為“%s”的數據查詢“%s”解析數據查詢資源 XML 文件時出錯
The index is disabled due to the Data Query having no associated Graph Templates. 由於數據查詢沒有關聯的圖表模板,索引被禁用。
Error in Data Query. This could be due to the following: File Permissions, or a missing or improperly formatted Data Query XML file. 數據查詢錯誤。這可能是由於以下原因: 文件權限,或丟失或格式不正確的數據查詢 XML 文件。
WARNING: Cacti Page: %s Generated a Fatal Error %d!
The Document page '%s' count not be reached. The Cacti Documentation site is not reachable. The http error was '%s'. Consider downloading an official release to obtain the latest documentation and hosting the documentation locally.
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The Help File %s was not located on the Cacti Documentation Website.
The Document page '%s' count not be reached locally.
Place Device on Report 將設備放在樹上
Device Data Query Re-indexed. Verbose output displayed. 設備數據查詢重新索引。顯示詳細輸出。
Device Debugging Enabled for Device. 為設備啟用設備調試。
Poller Cache for Device Refreshed. 刷新設備的輪詢緩存。
Unable to add some Devices to Report '%s' 無法連接到服務器
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Device. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備。
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Devices. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備。
Delete Devices 刪除設備
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Device. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下設備。